Tukang Saeh

In the aspect of literacy, he did not stop researching and collecting literature that discussed daluang. In one of the literature, he said, it is mentioned that in the past, before it became paper, daluang functioned as clothing. .In the exploration aspect, the saeh tree is not only used by Mufid to produce daluang, but also…

The Klithik Man

Before the sun shines on the Klitikhan market, Klitihik Man begins to come to line up his merchandise. The Klithik Man is a profession that can only be found in the city of Solo. They can also be called the curator, whose job is to curate items that still have a high price value. The…


All must have been at the bottom. But there is always time to rise. Standing is not a dream, for those who want to be Men. Dark mobs were once passed by Joddie Permana (23). He used to be familiar with booze, hanging out incoherently, staying up late timelessly. But now everything has changed. Jodie…

Historical Heritage

1.In the early 20th century, the city of Bandung was known as the center of cow milk storage and processing (Bandoengsche Melk Centrale) produced by areas around the city of Bandung. The building was built in 1925, on aceh road. 2.SIMPANG Lima (Parapatan Lima) is an icon of Bandung City that has not changed much…


Dari Mereka, Untuk Kartini (bagian 2)   Siswi bidang keahlian Teknik Mesin Nur Ashri Jamilah Isnaeni berpose diantara  mesin bubut, di @smkn1sumedang, Jalan Mayor Abdurahman, Kecamatan Sumedang Utara, Kabupaten Sumedang, Selasa (17/8/2018). Siswi tersebut merukana satu-satunya wanita bidang keahlian Teknik Mesin. Ia berharap seusai lulus dapat bekerja menjadi operator lapangan di Perusahaan Astra, dan membuktikan bahwa…


Semua pasti pernah  berada di bawah. Namun selalu ada waktu untuk bangkit. Berdiri bukan mimpi, bagi mereka yang ingin jadi Lelaki. Massa-massa kelam pernah dilalui joddie Permana (23). Dulu dia permah akrab dengan minuman keras, nongkrong tak jelas, bergadang tak kenal waktu. Namun  kini semuanya berubah.  Jodie memilih hidup lebih sehat. Ia jadi atlit bina…


Sebelum mentari menyinari pasar Klitikhan, Klitihik Man mulai datang untuk menjejerkan barang dagangannya. The Klithik Man adalah profesi yang hanya bisa di jumpai di kota Solo. Mereka juga bisa disebut sang kurator rongsok, yang tugasnya melakukan kurasi barang-barang yang masih mempunyai nilai harga tinggi. The Klithik Man bisa di jumpai di Jalan Sungai Serang I…

Tomato Wars

A small road in Cikareumbi Village, Cikidang Village, Lembang District, West Bandung Regency, Wednesday, October 19, 2016, was immediately flooded with red liquid during the tomato war. Thousands of residents thronged the area throwing rotten tomatoes at each other. There are also those who take refuge in people’s homes to avoid. Residents who had been…

Pangandaran Mosquito Museum

A walk to Pangandaran, West Java is not just about the beach or Green Canyon. Add the tourist list when visiting the regency in the south of West Java to the Mosquito Museum. A lot of unexpected information from animals close to human life from the museum located in this Animal-Sourced Disease Control R&D complex.…