The atmosphere of lighting 600 candles on Christmas Eve at Ereveld Pandu, Jalan Pandu, Bandung City, Friday (24/12/2021). A total of 426 tombs were illuminated as a form of respect for the victims of the war and maintaining the value of sacredness in christmas celebrations.
The activity entitled ‘Enlightening the Graves of War Victims in a Silent Night’ took the theme ‘The Love of Christ That Moves Brotherhood’. Initiated by the Mataholang community, this eduhistori activity was also organized with Oorlogsgravenstichting Indonesia in collaboration with the Dutch-Indonesian Joint Memorial Committee.
The atmosphere of lighting 600 candles on Christmas Eve at Ereveld Pandu, Jalan Pandu, Bandung City, Friday (24/12/2021). A total of 426 tombs were illuminated as a form of respect for the victims of the war and maintaining the value of sacredness in christmas celebrations.
The activity entitled ‘Enlightening the Graves of War Victims in a Silent Night’ took the theme ‘The Love of Christ That Moves Brotherhood’. Initiated by the Mataholang community, this eduhistori activity was also organized with Oorlogsgravenstichting Indonesia in collaboration with the Dutch-Indonesian Joint Memorial Committee.
The atmosphere of lighting 600 candles on Christmas Eve at Ereveld Pandu, Jalan Pandu, Bandung City, Friday (24/12/2021). A total of 426 tombs were illuminated as a form of respect for the victims of the war and maintaining the value of sacredness in christmas celebrations.
The activity entitled ‘Enlightening the Graves of War Victims in a Silent Night’ took the theme ‘The Love of Christ That Moves Brotherhood’. Initiated by the Mataholang community, this eduhistori activity was also organized with Oorlogsgravenstichting Indonesia in collaboration with the Dutch-Indonesian Joint Memorial Committee.
The atmosphere of lighting 600 candles on Christmas Eve at Ereveld Pandu, Jalan Pandu, Bandung City, Friday (24/12/2021). A total of 426 tombs were illuminated as a form of respect for the victims of the war and maintaining the value of sacredness in christmas celebrations.
The activity entitled ‘Enlightening the Graves of War Victims in a Silent Night’ took the theme ‘The Love of Christ That Moves Brotherhood’. Initiated by the Mataholang community, this eduhistori activity was also organized with Oorlogsgravenstichting Indonesia in collaboration with the Dutch-Indonesian Joint Memorial Committee.
The atmosphere of lighting 600 candles on Christmas Eve at Ereveld Pandu, Jalan Pandu, Bandung City, Friday (24/12/2021). A total of 426 tombs were illuminated as a form of respect for the victims of the war and maintaining the value of sacredness in christmas celebrations.
The activity entitled ‘Enlightening the Graves of War Victims in a Silent Night’ took the theme ‘The Love of Christ That Moves Brotherhood’. Initiated by the Mataholang community, this eduhistori activity was also organized with Oorlogsgravenstichting Indonesia in collaboration with the Dutch-Indonesian Joint Memorial Committee.
The atmosphere of lighting 600 candles on Christmas Eve at Ereveld Pandu, Jalan Pandu, Bandung City, Friday (24/12/2021). A total of 426 tombs were illuminated as a form of respect for the victims of the war and maintaining the value of sacredness in christmas celebrations.
The activity entitled ‘Enlightening the Graves of War Victims in a Silent Night’ took the theme ‘The Love of Christ That Moves Brotherhood’. Initiated by the Mataholang community, this eduhistori activity was also organized with Oorlogsgravenstichting Indonesia in collaboration with the Dutch-Indonesian Joint Memorial Committee.
The atmosphere of lighting 600 candles on Christmas Eve at Ereveld Pandu, Jalan Pandu, Bandung City, Friday (24/12/2021). A total of 426 tombs were illuminated as a form of respect for the victims of the war and maintaining the value of sacredness in christmas celebrations.
The activity entitled ‘Enlightening the Graves of War Victims in a Silent Night’ took the theme ‘The Love of Christ That Moves Brotherhood’. Initiated by the Mataholang community, this eduhistori activity was also organized with Oorlogsgravenstichting Indonesia in collaboration with the Dutch-Indonesian Joint Memorial Committee.
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