The Graveyard Gathering

The atmosphere of lighting 600 candles on Christmas Eve at Ereveld Pandu, Jalan Pandu, Bandung City, Friday (24/12/2021). A total of 426 tombs were illuminated as a form of respect for the victims of the war and maintaining the value of sacredness in christmas celebrations. . The activity entitled ‘Enlightening the Graves of War Victims…

Reject RKUHP Chaos in Bandung

Students hold a rally in Bandung, Monday, September 30, 2019. Thousands of students, citizens, workers, and activists again blocked access to the West Java Provincial Parliament while demanding that the government cancel the revision of the KPK Law and the passage of a problematic bill. 

Public Safety Center 119 (PSC 119) in Covid 19

Officers of the Integrated Safety Service Center (P2KT) wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) were in an ambulance at the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) Building of the Integrated Safety Service Center (P2KT), Jalan Bapa Husen Dalam, Coblong, Bandung City, Thursday (24/6/2021). Data from P2KT or Public Safety Center 119 (PSC 119) noted that since the beginning…

Post-Eruption of Tangkuban Parahu

Mount Tangkuban Parahu, West Java, erupted on Friday (26/7) afternoon at around 15.48 WIB. The height of the ash column was observed to reach 200 meters above the summit or about 2,284 above sea level.

Panyaweuyan Panorama

Panyaweuyan terraced agricultural area in Argamukti Village, Argapura District, West Java, Thursday (21/12/2017). It has an appeal that many landscape photographers and local tourists are looking for.

Orang Utan Baby

Baby Orang Utan Kalimantan was shown to the community at the Bandung Zoo (KBB), West Java, Saturday (11/18/2017). This 60-day-old baby female Orang Utan, named Cinta Lestari, adds to KBB’s collection of rare animals in the Appendix one category.

Ngarot Festival

Girls wearing flower crown decorations participated in the celebration for the traditional Ngarot Festival ceremony in Indramayu Regency, West Java, (12/21/2022). Ngarot is an impromptu aday ceremony to welcome the rice growing season.

Masker Production in Covid 19

A number of workers completed the manufacture of 4 ply medical masks at PT Leuwijaya Utama Textile, Jalan Cibaligo, Cimahi City, Saturday (24/10/2020). The factory is able to produce 7.5 million pieces of medical masks per month and is marketed to all regions in Indonesia and then exported to various countries, one of which is…

Kiwarsad Mask Craftsman

Ki Warsad, a mask craftsman and puppeteer of Wayang Golek, completed the making of mask carvings at the Jaka Baru studio, Gadingan Village, Sliyeg District, Indramayu, West Java, Thursday (28/12/2017). Mask craftsmen market their handicraft products abroad ranging from Malaysia, Hong Kong, Germany to America sold in the range of IDR 300 thousand to IDR…

Itikaf in Ramada

Pilgrims performed itikaf worship at the Habiburrahman Grand Mosque of PT Dirgantara Indonesia, Jalan Pajajaran, Bandung City, Sunday (26/6/2016) early morning. The last ten days of Ramadan are used by Muslims with itikaf in mosques to get the night of lailatul qadar.